Hi there!
If you’ve reached this page it’s because you very generously contributed $200 or more to our Kickstarter campaign, which means that you get to choose any one of Annie’s beautiful photographs to receive as a framed, professional print.
Scroll through all the photos below. The name of the photo appears just beneath each photo. On the survey we sent you, just reply with the name of the photograph you want, for example: “April 3” or “May 25, #2” — and we’ll send it your way.
Thank you so much again.
All best,

February 17

February 18

February 24, #1

February 24, #2

February 24, #3

February 26

February 27

March 1

March 2

March 4

March 14

March 15

March 18

March 20

March 28

April 3

April 8, #1

April 8, #2

April 14

April 17

April 23

April 25

May 8

May 12

May 17

May 21

May 25

May 25, #2

June 4

June 5

June 6